This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Jackson Miller.
Original Post: What I Think PHP is Missing
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Feed Description: PHP thoughts on architecture and application design. Includes development information about Core Enterprise PHP.
namespaces: I agree that no implementation is better than a bad implementation, but I think this should be priority #1.
PECL extensions: What I mean by this is that there are things in the core that should be in PECL. I read a convincing argument of why PEAR/PECL package developers should support PEAR/PECL and not try and get everything in the PHP distribution. There is already too much core functionality available, and it would be difficult to move it out of the core, but I think that would be good.
better install: PHP has gotten to be a PITA to compile. Everytime I have to go through all the configure options, write/copy the ones I want, and then run configure. Often times I have to include things I think I may want later (pcntl), but then find I have failed dependencies. That should be fixed.
return hinting: I think type hinting on methods was a great addition. I like strict, but I also like flexibility. I also think declaring the return type in the method declaration makes for very readable code (especially since developers don't remember to document 100% of the time). I would never want to force it. It should always be optional. "mixed" should be a valid return type. And no, it is not just trying to be like Java!