This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Tobias Schlitt.
Original Post: 1 year of blogging...
Feed Title: Tobias Schlitt - Weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: a passion for php
Ok, let's say nearly, since I missed the exact termin, although I had a big fat note in my cellphone callendar. What do we learn of that? Never switch cellphones and do not migrate tha callendar, because you believe there are no more important notes in it...
Nevertheless, on the 1st of October in 2003 I started my weblog, not believing that I will keep up writing to it such a long time. Blogging was (and still is) cool and mostly every developer had a blog to note down interessting findings on the web, progress of his projects, personal thoughts and lots more. So I started blogging, too.
The stats of one year of blogging are pretty impressive, nearly 250 posts in 365 days is a fair deal. The most popular category on my blog is "PHP" (with 64 entries), followed by "Geek" (with 57) and "PEAR" (with 43 entries). All in all I wrote 117 open source related entries, which is nearly half of my whole blog.
It's quite funny to see what one has written along the time. To let you participate in that, I collected some of the most funny/interessting/stupi/whatever entries in the extended version of this entry.
Last but not least the conclusion of one year blogging is absolutly positive. Writing down what you are doing, what you think, wh
at you've found interessting and all that stuff is fun. Reading your thoughts later on is even more fun and discussing with foreign people on your thought is copious and fun together. In this sense: Cheers for the next year of blogging!