This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Sebastian Bergmann.
Original Post: PHPUnit2-2.1.0 Released
Feed Title: Sebastian Bergmann
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Geek by nature, PHP by choice.
Today I released PHPUnit2-2.1.0. This is the first release of the PHPUnit implementation for PHP 5 that brings new features:
Improvements to the PHPUnit Command-Line Frontend
Added "--coverage <file>", "--coverage-html <file>", and "--coverage-text <file>" command-line options that enable the writing of code coverage information in raw, HTML, or text format to a file.
Added "--testdox-html <file>", "--testdox-text <file>", and "--log-xml <file>" command-line options that enable logging of test progress to a file in TestDox (HTML and text) or XML format.
Added "--skeleton" command-line option to generate a skeleton UnitTest.php source file for a given class Unit in source file Unit.php.
Added PHPUnit2_Runner_IncludePathTestCollector to automatically collect all test cases that are defined in the PHP source files in the include_path(s).
Added PHPUnit2_Extensions_PerformanceTestCase to test for performance regressions.
Added PHPUnit2_Framework_TestListener implementations to log test progress to PEAR::Log sinks and XML files.
Added PHPUnit2_Util_Filter::addFileToFilter() and PHPUnit2_Util_Filter::removeFileFromFilter() methods.
Added PHPUnit2_Framework_Assert::assertContains() and PHPUnit2_Framework_Assert::assertNotContains() methods to assert that an array contains (or not contains) a given object or string or that a string contains (or not contains) a given substring.
Added PHPUnit2_Framework_Assert::assertNotRegexp() to assert that a string does not match a given regular expression.
Changed the parameter order for the PHPUnit2_Framework_Assert::assertEquals() method. $delta is now the last (optional) parameter in order to allow for assertEquals($expected, $actual, $message) calls with non-numeric values.
Code Coverage information for source files that contain the executed test cases is no longer collected. Code Coverage information only makes sense for production code ie. code that is tested.
The PHPUnit2_Framework_Assert::assertEquals() API change breaks backwards-compatibility.
Due to a bug in the Reflection API (#30209) PHP 5.0.2 is now required.