This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Alan Knowles.
Original Post: 25 Maybe safe harbour from Windows Hell. 15
Feed Title: Smoking toooo much PHP
Feed URL:
Feed Description: More than just a blog :)
That last entry noted the huge torpedo that Windows had fired at my Racing yacht (DBDO). I spent a good day or two exploring options, apart from the ones mentioned previously (using pdo as a backend). I looked at having a way using callbacks to implement the libgda stuff in clientside php on windows.
All in all the options where looking pretty dire, I was going to have to spend alot of time just to create a crippleware version for windows (well I guess if you use windows you shouldnt expect better). But It was not really what I regarded as a interesting or usefull use of my spare time.
On the sidelines, I had also looked at building libgda on windows, (or Win4Lin in my case), I had tried mingw, dev-cpp, but having to deal with a operating system that was never designed to make building things easy, it just became fustrating and annoying.
I dont know how I came across it, perhaps researching mingw, but I accidentally ended up on a page discussing cross-compiling mingw. It seemed to infer that you could build the windows .exe and .dll's on linux, and not have to go near the windows hell..
After some experimentation, (trying the debian package for it, and downloading a whole enviroment - google for cross compiling mingw), I got something resembling an enviroment that ran configure, and even actually made a few files.
After tying to build libgda for a while,I concluded that using configure/make on it was pretty pointless, (It adds a huge overhead, got various thing wrong most of the time). So I ended up hacking up a php build script for it which successfully compiles libsql, and libgda (although I havent linked or tested it yet)
Ah well, back to real work for a while, panic at least partially over...