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Hunting for Galactic Civilization's perfect starting location

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Stephan Schmidt

Posts: 238
Nickname: schst
Registered: Sep, 2004

Stephan Schmidt is a founding member of PHP Application Tools and a PEAR developer.
Hunting for Galactic Civilization's perfect starting location Posted: Sep 14, 2004 7:28 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz by Stephan Schmidt.
Original Post: Hunting for Galactic Civilization's perfect starting location
Feed Title: a programmer's best friend
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Feed Description: The blog of PHP Application Tools
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Latest PHP Buzz Posts by Stephan Schmidt
Latest Posts From a programmer's best friend

1982 Talking about what can be done with javascript... for the Game Manager I built to calculate the values of starting locations in the Galactic Civilizations PC game, I implemented language switching and skin switching entirely in javascript.

The whole tool is built on objects that tightly communicate amongst themselves - each star system, planet or game is an object and can render itself. The layout control is mostly implemented with stylesheets, the javascript only rendering a very simple html structure. The core is the gameManager class itself - it renders the main navigation elements, and provides a series of helper methods (like the button() method that is used to render a button).

The language switching was not too difficult - I first googled around but the generally used trick with document.write( '[script tag]' ); makes Mozilla reload the page. I found a nicer way to do this: create the script tag with the document.createElement() method, and append it to the document's head tag with document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild( tag ); As my language files consist of one file with a list of variables, they simply get replaced when loading the new script. Updating the display is a breeze, I just have to tell the objects to redraw themselves :)

The skin (stylesheet) switching proved a little more annoying: it works the same way than the javascript include, by appending a link tag to the head - but the existing styles do not get replaced, they are overwritten and extended. Meaning that if in my standard stylesheet, the h1 tag has a padding but not in the second stylesheet, that padding will still be there... Solution: delete all styles before loading the new stylesheet. That's easy to do by accessing the document's styleSheets property, going through each stylesheet and deleting each style rule via document.styleSheets[x].deleteRule( x ); Peter-Paul Koch has an excellent reference on this.

Currently the Game Manager only works with gecko-based browsers like Mozilla or Firefox, as I use some specific methods like the addEventListener() method (to check when the external file has been loaded), and also because I used only the gecko implementation of the styleSheet access methods.

The result matches my expectations: a blazingly fast online tool, that would have taken a lot of time to build with a PHP/Javascript mixture and would not have been this fast. Now I only need to implement the save button and it's ready to really rock :) Implementing this would take a little time, but basically all I need is already there: if you clicked on one of the View XML buttons in the interface, you have seen that each object can render itself to XML too, so I would just have to submit that to a PHP script for storage, and parse existing XML to rebuild the needed settings... but that's for another blog entry :)

You can view the whole Game Manager package in my personal WebCVS. ffb

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