This post originated from an RSS feed registered with PHP Buzz
by Stephan Schmidt.
Original Post: Sailing under a new flag
Feed Title: a programmer's best friend
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The blog of PHP Application Tools
Last friday, I had my last day at my former employer, Metrix Internet Design GmbH. After nearly five years, I decided, that it was time for something new and I took an offer from 1&1, Europe's largest Webhosting company, which has branches in the US, UK and France and is a member of United Internet.
That means, only one of the pat team is left at Metrix, as gERD left last May to go to Australia (those of you who understand German, may read his blog at But Sebastian already is packing his things and will be leaving for France (as he's been living there nearly his whole life and found the love of his life there) in mid-September to work as a freelancer. If you are looking for someone to support your company, you may reach him at argh[at]php-tools[dot]net. He is not only an excellent PHP developer, but also a great designer (he designed all our sites plus a lot of other websites) and an HTML and Javascript expert. He is currently working on his site (sorry all texts are French)
But that we are spread around the world, does not mean that we are stopping our open-source efforts. Sebastian will soon release the first versions of patForms and patBBCode and I'm heavily working on some PEAR/pecl stuff as well as moving patTemplate3 towards a stable release. So, "pat's not dead!"