A while back Sam introduced me to WampServer, an all-in-one installation package for Apache(1.3), PHP(5.0), and MySQL(4.0). I was a bit skeptical, as I am with most projects like this, because most I have found have been way out of date. However, I wanted a quick fix to get PHP5 up and running so I gave it a try. Amazingly, it was a painless install and easier to use. However, I was concerned about how well it would be kept up, but I have checked the site and they already offer an upgrade for PHP 5.01.
Well, it can't be perfect, right? I mean, if we wanted to package GroupOrg with this package we would have to install WampServer, update the php.ini file, update httpd.conf, update my.ini, install GroupOrg, etc, etc, etc.
Well, I emailed the author asking if I could get the source files he used to wrap everything together. I woke up this morning and there in my inbox was an email with the source file attached. The file format seems simple enough, and so I think I can tweak it to install GroupOrg with all the proper config file changes.
I'm now really excited about this project. Hopefully we can provide a complete package for end-users who want to install GroupOrg on a Windows box. Everything comes pre-packages so that first-time users simply have to run GroupOrgInstall.exe on their machine and they get Apache, PHP, and MySQL installed and ready to go. GroupOrg would be part of the package and would just be waiting for them to configure it. We could maybe even put a link on the desktop. Ah, the possibilities are endless...