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by Forum One.
Original Post: Sectional Thinking About Modules
Feed Title: Syntax Framework
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Feed Description: Finally, a place to answer Syntax questions
When thinking about the architecture of a Syntax site, remember that just because someone may want a list of documents or events, it doesn't mean that ginning up a module and plunking it on the main navigation is the right answer. It has a lot of drawbacks:
Your site navigation is not dynamic. This starts to resemble the Bad Old Days of static HTML. Once you pick a term, you're stuck with it. Never underestimate the psychological comfort that is had by having the option to change something, even if it's a bad idea to do it.
Your page title is similarly static. This further resembles the Bad Old Days. It helps to get a project out the door when you can say "if you don't like it, you can change it." Again, this is true even if you've done killer information architecture and selected culturally appropriate and tested terms.
You have limited options for dynamic text on the main listing page. You can embed a section call within the template through F1CMS::module() (more on the power of that later), but that requires modifying not only the list template but also creating a custom template for each hidden section so it doesn't start listing other content items. Plus it turns your Section Navigation admin area into a nest of hidden sections that aren't really sections but content items. You could introduce a datatype that will function in that capacity, but that creates its own complications. How do you decide where each item will be published? Will you build its own module just for display?
Fortunately a much better option exists. You'll still have to create a custom section template, but it will be a logical, functional, and non-hidden section.