The latest release of the Open-RJ libraries now provide programmatic access to the record comments in the Open-RJ database files
This is a minor update, primarily comprising the addition of record comment information representation by the API. (Previously, the comments used on records within Open-RJ database files were not available at the programmatic level.
This does not contain any write functionality that's currently underway in collaboration with Lars Ivar Igesund.
23rd May 2005 : Open-RJ 1.2.1 => 1.3.1
The main change is that record comments are now made available in the API, in
the form of the 'comment' member of the ORJRecordA structure, and the
ORJ_Record_GetCommentA() function.
There is also a new auto-link header, which causes compilers that support such
behaviour to insert comment records that direct their linker to link to the
appropriate Open-RJ library, e.g., without requiring
explicit specification in the linker command. Some developers prefer this kind
of automatic behaviour, and now have this facility if they so wish just by
including openrj_implicit_link.h
Other changes are as follows:
c_str_ptr() shims are added for ORJStringA. (See chapter 19 of Imperfect C++
( for an explanation of the Shims concept)
c_str_data() and c_str_len() shims are provided in addition to c_str_ptr().
These are of general use, but are particularly useful with STLSoft's
basic_string_view template
Changes to the mappings are as follows:
C++ mapping:
the headers are separated out, one per class. They are all fully configured,
i.e. including openrj/cpp/filedatabase.hpp includes openrj/cpp/record.hpp
and openrj/cpp/field.hpp
addition of (in-)equality operators (operator == and operator !=) for Field
addition of String typedef within openrj::cpp namespace, which is actually
a typedef for stlsoft::basic_string_view (for providing views onto
the string information within database fields).