Re: The Future of NetBeans
Posted: Sep 1, 2006 8:28 AM
The interveiw with Tim was really helpful in giving the veiw of the future of Netbeans. As for suggetions, i would like to take your veiw towards MS Visual Studio 2005. I happen to develop applications both in JAVA and C#. There are many features thta i have found in visual studio that i really miss in Netbeans. eg. advanced debugger veiw, multiple options in surround-with, automatic space addition in expressions (with mathematical symbols) etc.
What i would like to suggest is to look at other IDE's that maynot be related to java but still have very good features. and since u are open community we can always demand for upgrades unlike Micosoft whom i cannot ask to add features that I like in Netbeans and are missing in Visual Studio :-)