Radek Liba
Posts: 7
Nickname: radek
Registered: Dec, 2005
Re: Contract Programming 101
Posted: Jan 3, 2006 5:53 AM
> Contract violations are not exceptional conditions
There is lots of different definitions about what exceptional conditions are. Languages such as Java and C/C++ don't provide a mechanism to handle multiple mutually exclusive outcomes of method or function calls comfortably. Due to this lack, what I see is, that programmers use the language construct "exception" as a tool to signal a certain outcome out of a set of possible outcomes to the caller. Handcoded alternatives, such as using return values for the signalling of a specific outcome are rather awkward to handle and have no compiler support. But that means: using an exception in Java or C++ does not automatically imply there is an exceptional condition! Instead, these are return values. That is why such "kind of exceptions" are used in control flow.
When making such a conscious distinction between using exceptions as a replacement for return values and using exceptions, well, for exceptional conditions, then I very well opt for contract violations being exceptional conditions.
> And if you're still sceptical whether exceptions may be part of a function's contract, consider the case of the operator new() function. If throwing an instance of bad_alloc (or something derived from bad_alloc) were not within its contract, it would mean that memory exhaustion - a runtime condition largely outside the control of the program designer - would be a contract violation,
If an exception is part of a function's contract then it is nothing different from a return value. This usage of exceptions is widely adopted to cope with multiple mutually exclusive outcomes. But it then is not really an "exception" anymore. Might it be, that "real" exceptions are exceptions because they exactly are not part of the functions contract?