Frank Sommers
Posts: 2642
Nickname: fsommers
Registered: Jan, 2002
Re: So how do you test it?
Posted: May 5, 2005 11:11 AM
> How do you write unit tests for applications written using > a VB-style IDE? If there aren't any tests, this sounds > like a step backwards.
I think components of the kind this JSR talks about are just plain old Java classes + design-time metadata that allows their manipulation at development time. That manipulation, in turn, generates plain old Java code in the background. The tools help write that code in response to visual gestures performed by a developers on a design canvas. For instance, you can indicate that you want to link beans together, etc. That rich design-time manipulation ability makes these classes components.
The difference that Joe Nuxoll hints at is that we Java kinds tend to just tuck a few JAR files into a directory, add those JARs into our classpath, fire up our editor, and proceed to write code that interacts with the classes inside those libraries.
A VB person, on the other hand, would stick a component into a visual tool's component palette. The component itself might come in a JAR file, of course. But, instead of firing up an editor and writing code to manipulate the classes inside those library files, he fires up a design canvas, drags design-time representations of those components onto it, and assembles applications via visual gestures, i.e., dragging, dropping, etc. Then, on occasion, he might write small snippets of code here and there to enchance the basic interaction model defined via the visual gestures. The end result in both cases, though, is just plain old code that can be tested.