Betty Pui
Posts: 2
Nickname: rainbowval
Registered: May, 2004
URGENT, need someone to help check for this design
Posted: May 30, 2004 5:23 PM
Some I don't know wat to do, The Card Game Web Site, [online], [], Strip Jack Naked Arrays that will be created: 1. Deck = k 2. NewDeck=g 3. Player 4. Dealer 5. Stack 6. Play = i Methods that will be called: 1. DealCards 2. CheckCard 3. SwitchTurns 4. Shuffling Class created: Module: Main Import: none Export: none Input: PROMPT user for number of shuffles = x PROMPT user for number of games to play = y DEFINE NewDeck FOR (y=1, y<= number_of_games, y++) Get Shuffling Get DealCards CREATE empty string array Stack[] CREATE empty string array Play[] Play[]=Player[] GET Play i=0 WHILE (i<Play.length) PRINT The card displayed at the top is+ Play DEFINE Card Card=0 GET Checkcard IF Check=c GET CheckTrue ELSE GET SwitchPlayer PRINT The card displayed at the top is+ Play IF Check=c GET CheckTrue ELSE GET SwitchPlayer i++ ENDIF DISPLAY results for each game Output: The results table of the game ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Module: Deck Import: none Export: Array of Deck Input: CREATE a string array of String Deck[52] Assign each card accordingly 2, 2, 2, 2
A, A, A, A RETURN Deck ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Module: Shuffling Import: Deck array Export: NewDeck array Input: OR USE java.util.Collections is for shuffling CREATE NewDeck[] FOR (x=1, x<=no_of_shuffles, x++) Math.random to choose r in array from 0 to k Swap values in positions r and k RETURN NewDeck Output: The Cards are already shuffled and ready to deal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Module: DealCards Import: NewDeck Export: 2 arrays of cards Player and Dealer Input: CREATE 2 string arrays player[52] and dealer[52] FOR (g=0, g<= NewDeck.length, g++) IF (g%2= = 0) g goes to player array ELSE g goes to dealer array RETURN Player RETURN Dealer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- INCOMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Module: Play Import: Player and Dealer array Export: Input: -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Module: CheckCard Import: Player. Dealer[j] Export: True/False Input: Boolean c,d c=true d=false IF Play equals to A, K, Q, J Check = c Switch(Card) CASE1: Play =A Card=4 CASE2: Play=K Card=3 CASE3: Play=Q Card=2 CASE4: Play=J Card=1 DEFAULT: Play=2-10 Card=5 ELSE Check=d RETURN Check RETURN Card ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Module: SwitchPlayer Import: Dealer/Player Export: Input: IF Play[]=Player[] Play[]=Dealer[] ELSE Play[]=Player[] RETURN Play[] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- Module: CheckTrue Import: Export: Input: s=1 WHILE (s<=Card && i<Play.length) PUT Play in Stack[] GET SwitchPlayer PRINT The card displayed at the top is +Play GET CheckCard IF Check=d GET CheckFalse ENDIF -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Module: CheckFalse Import: Export: Input: t=1 WHILE (t<=Card) GET Checkcard IF Check=c GET CheckTrue ENDIF t++ ENDWHILE