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programming language design and implementation

5 replies on 1 page. Most recent reply: Jun 26, 2004 7:21 PM by Marlene Miller

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Shivana Gowda

Posts: 5
Nickname: suvin
Registered: Apr, 2004

programming language design and implementation Posted: May 17, 2004 11:21 PM
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every doby know that there are many proper methodology, to develop a softwares, which has many steps in that.
similarly i want to know is there any methodology to develop a programming language, if so what all steps in that , and which explains it better
please note i am not asking the design issues but the methedology

Marlene Miller

Posts: 12
Nickname: marlene
Registered: Jun, 2004

Re: programming language design and implementation Posted: Jun 7, 2004 11:51 AM
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Hi Shivana,

As far as I know, learning how to implement interpreters to evaluate a language is the beginning of learning language design. I would venture to guess, implementing interpreters might also be the model for designing programming languages.

These two books develop a sequence of interpreters, progressively adding linguistic features.

1. Essentials of Programming Languages, by Daniel P. Friedman
2. List in Small Pieces, by Christian Queinnec

I just completed a class that used SICP. I have been asking questions on comp.lang.scheme. Those people are language designers. For them, SICP and EOPL are basic knowledge.

Here is supplementary reading to help you prepare you for the above

3. The Little Schemer, and The Seasoned Schemer by Matthias Felleisen
4. The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson and Sussman, Chapters 3 & 4
5. The Scheme Programming Language by R. Kent Dybvi

Marlene Miller

Posts: 12
Nickname: marlene
Registered: Jun, 2004

Re: programming language design and implementation Posted: Jun 8, 2004 10:20 PM
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Here is an article on language design by Guy Steele. It is only remotely related to your question.

Shivana Gowda

Posts: 5
Nickname: suvin
Registered: Apr, 2004

Re: programming language design and implementation Posted: Jun 21, 2004 10:47 PM
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thank you miller,
your reply might help me lot and thanx for that article's link also

Marlene Miller

Posts: 12
Nickname: marlene
Registered: Jun, 2004

Re: programming language design and implementation Posted: Jun 26, 2004 2:46 PM
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Hi Shivana,

I have a couple more ideas.

I’d like to suggest that you post your question(s) about language design and implementation at comp.lang.scheme. Those people have helped me many times. Some of them are university professors and graduate students that specialize in programming languages.

Here is another book for you to consider, Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University).


Marlene Miller

Posts: 12
Nickname: marlene
Registered: Jun, 2004

Re: programming language design and implementation Posted: Jun 26, 2004 7:21 PM
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Shivana, here is Shriram's course that uses his book.

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