This phone, the WORST Nokia phone I've ever had, and very probably the last, never ceass to amaze me with just how BADLY the software is designed.
The latest disaster: I am trying to set up the WiFi to connect to my wireless router. OK, great it sees the network and asks for a Passkey (as it is encrpted); gives me an input box to enter the passkey. Oh Dear, my passkey is 64 digits long and consists of random lower case, uppercase letters and numbers. It is a strong encryption key.
But do, Nokia SERIOUSLY expect me to type this in digit by digit?? I have looked in vain for ways to enter this passkey efficiently - the obvious way - pasting it from off the clipboard (oh yes, I've successfully got the key pasted ONTO the clipboard from a text editor); appears to be too clever for Nokia.
Unless I have overlooked something, there appears to be no way to cut & paste into the Passkey dialog, and apparently no way to do it from the keyboard either.
SO I guess WiFi is another feature I won't be using on this **bleep** phone!