I implemented support for the mt API this afternoon - that was simple. I then made the mistake of looking at the Atom API. Gah. First up, I went to Blogger, since they supposedly support the Atom API now. Following the crumbs from their site (through a developer blog last updated in 2004, fills me with confidence), I ran across this draft of the spec. That's labelled 0.9, dated December 2003. Hmm, that seems old. So I wandered over (with trepidation) to the Atom Wiki, and found this IETF draft. Well. That's labelled 0.2 (now part of the IETF system), and is dated September 2004. Hmm again
So did Blogger implement the old rev? Who knows? They sure aren't saying - or if they are, they hid the instructions in a sub-basement somewhere. From there, I wandered back to the page explaining the latest draft from the IETF, wherein we learn to be afraid:
The current revision of the AtomAPI is contains quite a few changes from previous revisions. All of those changes have been talked about seperately, but when put together represent a fairly large change to the API. Here is Quick Reference for the AtomAPI which also highlights those changes.
So... do I bother dealing with whatever Blogger (Google) did, knowing full well that the more recent drafts have changed a lot? Do I not worry about that, since a working implementation will trump the fevered dreams of the Atom crowd? Do I just punt for now, figuring that it's mostly irrelevant?
Gads, at this point I hope that Microsoft comes out with an API. I must be desperate...