This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: back to the grind
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
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Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
I spent a pretty relaxing week in Florida - my daughter got to visit with her cousins at their grandparent's house. We spent time at the beach and the pool, and the kids had a blast. We stayed too long at Universal yesterday - the return flight from Palm Beach was at 6 am. We didn't get to the airport hotel until 1:30 last night, so we just blew the flight off. That meant standby - but it went ok. We got to the airport at 10, and had no trouble getting on the 11:15 flight - we upgraded to first class even. Charlotte looked more crowded, and the next flight after the 2 pm was already delayed by almost two hours - with T-Storms in the forecast, that didn't bode well. Fortunately for us, there were flight delays in the system already, and a bunch of people trying to get on the flight weren't going to get to the sirport in time. I blew two more upgrade coupons to make our chances better - that got us on with no trouble at all - as I write this, there are still open seats in first class, and we half way to BWI.
So in the end, blowing off our flight just cost us 4 hours - which is sleep time we really, really needed. Now it's back to the grind - and I don't mean work, exactly - the drainage project we started last week is still only half done, so there's lots and lots of trench to dig, pipe to lay, and dirt to haul off. Probably a good 3-4 days worth, in fact...