This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Atom gets some feedback
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
YB Normal comments on the Atom syndication format. He's got lots of critiques and suggestions. His two main gripes are on the <link> element (especially the madatory nature eof it) and the lack of OCS style aggregation support. Something occurred to me while reading this critique - Atom more or less assumes a weblog, while RSS does not. Given that, I expect that Atom won't easily gain traction - it's narrowed its focus too much. Go read the critique - it's worth a few minutes if you care about the syndicated content world.