There was an insidious little bug in the Silt blog server - updates to posts that changed categories didn't get visibly reflected in the sidebar - i.e., a category search would turn them up, but the count was always off. That was due to a caching error on my part - when updating the post, I was re-caching the old category instead of the new one. Dohh. This server is updated - if you are using Silt and want to update it, get the new code, load that, and then execute this snippet in a workspace (or in a headless server, file it in if you've left a path open for that):
| blogNames |
blogNames := Blog.BlogSaver default keys.
blogNames do: [:each | saver |
saver := Blog.BlogSaver named: each.
saver cache setupSearchCategoryCache].
That will get all the counts right, and the new code will keep them that way.