This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Who's code is that anyway?
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
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Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
Now, here's an interesting post - code ownership horrors. It's a good post - the introductory summation explains the problem quite well:
As a result, my interest in these projects has dipped precipitously close to zero. Why should I care? I'm a middleman. I have no ownership stake in the project. And neither do the offshore developers, except in terms of fulfilling their contractual obligations. What happens when nobody owns a project? Well, that's why lots of internal software sucks pretty badly. Renters don't take pride in their homes. Only homeowners do.
This is true whether the code has been outsourced to a local consulting firm, a "big" consulting firm, or sent offshore. The rental/owner dichotomy is a good comparison, I think. There are tons of people who want to turn software production into an assembly line process. I have my doubts. It seems to me that software production is still a craft - more akin to making a movie than to building a set of hardware widgets. Lots of hardware production is completely automated, and it's mostly a matter of "how many in what time interval" at this point. Movies have been being made for a long time now - and they aren't managed like an automated process.
I think software is a lot more like movie production than it is like hardware - and I think that understanding that points out a lot of the issues with outsourcing and automation.