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by James Robertson.
Original Post: More on Allocation
Feed Title: Travis Griggs - Blog
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Got some results from SqueakSmalltalk. And ran GNU/Smalltalk too! GNU/Smalltalk was run by me and came in at about 22 seconds. Squeak was run by somebody elses (thanks James and Radislov). For Squeak, it looks like its roughly about 10 times slower than VisualWorks, for version 3.6. 3.7 takes a hit, because it initializes on new always. By implementing an optimized version of Point>>zero, 3.7 goes as fast as 3.6.
One tool that I refamiliarized myself with is the MemoryMonitor found in the open repository. This is a really handy tool put together by John Brant a while back. It allows you to watch the scavenges and eden space and some of the other things mentioned in the comments as well as referred blogs. It really oughta be rolled in and held up right along next to the ProcessMonitor.