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by James Robertson.
Original Post: Cleaning the Store-age unit out
Feed Title: Travis Griggs - Blog
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The OpenRepository sometimes feels like the way I see some people use Storage units. You throw a bunch of stuff in it. And when it fills, you go sign up for a new unit. At first blush, its the easiest thing to do. The OpenRepository appears to have the same problem.
There have been cries to clean it out. The question is, who's going to do it? It's not really a realistic expectation. Some contributors have moved on. It requires lots of efforts from all kinds of different people to decide what should and shouldn't stay. Worst of all, it all has to filter through a single choke point, Pete Hatch the DB administrator behind the OpenRepository.
The thing is... we're Smalltalkers! We ought to know better. We've had one of the longest running Garbage Collection languages in the world. Dealing with garbage in high turn over rate systems, is something we DO. Proposals to follow.