This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Smalltalk Solutions Plug of the Day, 6/28/03
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
ReStore - Relational Persistency for the Discerning Smalltalker John Aspinell: Solutions Software Wednesday 8:30:00 am to 10:00:00 am
Abstract: ReStore is a Relational Database framework for Dolphin Smalltalk which takes the novel approach of automatically generating and maintaining the database schema from the Smalltalk object model. This 'out of the box' approach allows a Dolphin programmer with little or no database experience to quickly develop applications with full relational persistency.
ReStore grew out of a recognition that the availability of comprehensive, tightly-integrated relational storage would add kudos to Dolphin as a Windows development platform, whilst allowing it to better compete with environments such as Microsoft Access.
A major design goal for ReStore was that it should have minimal impact on the Smalltalk programming experience. In addition to being highly transparent, ReStore features a Collection-like querying protocol which will be immediately familiar to any Smalltalk programmer.
This presentation will discuss the philosophy and motivating factors behind the development of ReStore, and highlight some of its distinctive features through a demonstration of its use in a number of diverse applications.
Bio: John Aspinall has been developing using Smalltalk since 1992, when he began using ObjectWorks 2.5 to demonstrate findings during a research project at Aston University, UK. Since then he has worked for commercial, banking and insurance clients on a range of systems, across all major Smalltalk dialects. He is currently working freelance for a number of smaller clients, actively using ReStore.