This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Why things don't always get better
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
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Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
Tim's "senior person without a soapbox" was complaining about not seeing any improvements to notebooks in 14 years. Hmm, ever see a Tablet PC? You can't use your notebook while standing up, but I can. That's a huge improvement in UI.
Hmm - I can count the number of times I've wanted to use a computer while standing - it's a small number. And no, airport security lines don't count. Why? Well, you imagine holding a tablet PC, a shoulder bag with your clothing, and the computer bag - and then figure out just how comfortable you'll be with a Tablet taking up both hands. Now add a child to watch, or a wife you should be talking to... this isn't a use case, it's a non-use case. I've yet to see anyone doing this at an airport, and I travel a fair bit. So far as I'm concerned, the Tablet really isn't a big deal - No one I know wants to write with a pen.
Now, the question is, are we about to see a 3D user interface revolution? Sun has been showing around its cool LookingGlass user interface. Microsoft has a bunch of 3D stuff in the lab.
Yeah, and I've been pointing to Croquet as well. We were talking about this on the IRC channel the other day - outside the games space, just how useful would a 3D user interface be? At least Scoble is properly skeptical about this one (follow the link to his site).