This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Seaside2 in VisualWorks
Feed Title: Michael Lucas-Smith
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Smalltalk and my misinterpretations of life
We're moving to have WithStyle be accessable nightly by developers who wish to get the latest and the greatest version of WithStyle as soon as they can. To do it, I need to build a simple web application for running the 'developers' side of things - which will give each developer their own username/password.
There are oh so many web frameworks to choose from when it comes to this sort of thing. But I have to look to the future. What kind of web framework will let me do anything I want? Well, truth be told I'm not entirely sold on Seaside doing everything I need in the future - but it is a fun experiment to try! So I'm giving it a go.
I've been told that Seaside2 for VisualWorks is behind the ball and that if I really want to use the latest version of Seaside2 I should be using Squeak. Well, I have to say right back at you that I'm not going to use Squeak for my webserver for one simple reason: One wrong click and the image is stuffed!.
Now a very short how-to for getting Seaside2 to work under VisualWorks. First off, you don't need to load anything in to your image except for Store access. Connect to public store and load the bundle Seaside-WebToolkit. This will load in WebToolkit for you, then load Seaside-VW, then load Seaside. Nothing else is required.
At this point, use the normal WebToolkit stuff to start up a server with the default resolvers in there. You're almost there at this point.
Move the Seaside.SeasideServlet class in to the VisualWave namespace!