Inside the VisualWorks Tools
Vassili Bykov: Cincom
Tuesday 2:30:00 pm to 3:30:00 pm
Abstract: Over the past few years, VisualWorks toolset has undergone extensive changes and enhancements. They are not limited to user interface changes; a number of frameworks have been added that VisualWorks application programmers can build upon. This presentation will demonstrate some of these additions and show how they can be used in other applications.
Bio: Vassili Bykov is the Tools project lead for VisualWorks Smalltalk. Since joining Cincom in July 2000 he has been working on modernizing the look and feel of VisualWorks IDE. His interests range from information and graphic design to fundamentals of programming language semantics, and he finds a good balance between them in his current position. The focus of his current work is bringing the future VisualWorks user experience closer to the expectations of a typical user while retaining and enhancing the interactive and direct feel traditionally expected of Smalltalk environments. Prior to this, Vassili was an object technology instructor with The Object People and a member of Toplink/Smalltalk development team.