This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Matthew Bass.
Original Post: Don't Be Invisible!
Feed Title: Career 2.0: Take Control of Your Life
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Jared Richardson and Matthew Bass are writing a book about refactoring your career through learning, writing, speaking, and networking. This blog will document their progress.
Hacker News is a great source of information, and today they posted a great article about not being invisible.
The core message of the article is to not just do your job. If you put your head down and do your assigned job, don't expect raises. Don't expect to not be laid off. Expect to be dispensable and keep your resume up to day.
From the article:
Azzarello’s career advice for employees is to make sure the work that you do is aligned with the company’s goals, bring your accomplishments to the attention of your superiors, and create a network of mentors who will guide you and ensure that you win a spot on the company’s list of employees who are the leaders of tomorrow. Her advice is tersely described as: Do better, look better, and connect better.
This is great article and I'd suggest you take a few minutes to check it out.