Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at using Oracle's pre-fetch capabilities with ObjectStudio - note that this is an upcoming feature of ObjectStudio 8.2.1. If you're looking for a particular topic, you can find it with the Media Search application on our site.
The code used is below; To watch, click on the viewer:
"PrefetchRows example. Feature is available in OS8.2.1"
"Prefetch rows is similar to array fatching, but it happens in Oracle client. If
OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS is set then this value multiplied by the row size of
memory is allocated. When a call to fetch is made all the memory allocated
is used to store records from the server. The first call gets back n rows and
subsequent calls to fetch do not make a network call until all n records have
been returned from the client."
"The following Workspace examples will show the performance
improvements when using prefetchRows in OS8."
"Logon to the Oracle Server."
logOnServer: #'OracleDB'
user: #'username'
password: #'pwd'
alias: #'OracleDB'.
"Get the Oracle database instance."
db := ObjectStudio.Database accessName: #'OracleDB'.
"Drop the test table if existed."
"Create a test table."
NUMMER int ,
BEMERKUNG varchar2 (30)
"Set the number of recrods being inserted."
loopCount := 2000.
"The SQL used to do inerst."
insertTime := [
|bindArray numArray stringArray |
numArray := OrderedCollection new.
stringArray := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: loopCount do: [ :i|
numArray add: i.
stringArray add: 'bla'.
bindArray := Array with: numArray with: stringArray.
db execSql: sql vars: bindArray.
] millisecondsToRun.
"Print out the miliseconds spent."
('Insert using array binding: ' + insertTime) out.
"Set times to repeat."
loopCount := 1.
"Set the SQL to do the fetch."
sql := 'SELECT * from TESTTABLE'.
"Default value of prefetchRows is 1."
db prefetchRows: 1.
selectTime1 := [
1 to: loopCount do: [ :i|
db execSql: sql.
] millisecondsToRun.
"Print out the miliseconds spent."
('Select with prefetchRows= 1: ' + selectTime1) out.
"Set prefetchRows to be 100."
db prefetchRows: 100.
selectTime2 := [
1 to: loopCount do: [ :i|
db execSql: sql.
] millisecondsToRun.
"Print out the miliseconds spent."
('Select with prefetchRows=100: ' + selectTime2) out.
"Set prefetchRows to be 1000."
db prefetchRows: 1000.
selectTime3 := [
1 to: loopCount do: [ :i|
db execSql: sql.
] millisecondsToRun.
"Print out the miliseconds spent."
('Select with and prefetchRows=1000: ' + selectTime3) out.
If you have trouble viewing that directly, you can click here to download the video directly
You can also watch it on YouTube:
Technorati Tags:
smalltalk, objectstudio, database, oracle