Today's Smalltalk Daily looks at how to use Twitter from Smalltalk. If you're looking for a particular topic, you can find it with the Media Search application on our site. Here's the script I used in the screencast:
"create settings file"
settings := TwitterClient.Settings new.
settings username: 'TwitterScreenNameHere'.
settings password: 'TwitterPasswordHere'.
settings saveTo: 'twitter_settings.ini'.
"get an interface"
model := TwitterModel new.
"get friend updates"
latestUpdates := model getFriendsUpdates.
"get Follower updates"
latestFollowers := model getFollowersUpdates.
"get the current trends"
trends := model getCurrentTrends.
daily := model getDailyTrends.
weekly := model getWeeklyTrends.
"user query"
args := UserQueryArgs new.
args screen_name: 'jarober'.
model showUser: args.
"get direct messages"
args := StatusListArgs new.
args per_page: 100.
model getDirectMessagesFor: args.
"set status"
model setStatusTo: 'From VisualWorks during today''s screencast'.
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Technorati Tags:
smalltalk, twitter, social media