Steve Wessels has some kind words for VisualWorks:
Something very interesting happened to me today. One of the developers I work with came to me and explained that he downloaded and tried Cincom Smalltalk over the weekend. He's already familiar with Smalltalk since we use Visual Age Smalltalk everyday, and he knows I'm also a Squeak advocate.
It was funny to me when he mentioned how impressed he was with the professional quality of the product. My first reaction was to think "of course it is". Then I commented that I think VisualWorks (or whatever they are really calling it nowadays) is one of the finest Smalltalk products on the market. No, I'm not putting in a plug for Cincom and I don't owe them any favors. I used to work with VisualWorks years ago and came to appreciate how well crafted that dialect of Smalltalk is.
I've known Steve slightly for many years; he's a good guy. If you're interested in learning more about VisualWorks right now, download it and take a look at our screencast library.
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