This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Mark Levison.
Original Post: Quick Links Week #7
Feed Title: Notes from a Tool User
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Feed Description: Thoughts about photography, software development, reading, food, wine and the world around us.
Sorry for the missing a week – I’ve got serious business site renovations going on stay tuned for an announcement in the next week or two (Note this is an estimate and not a commitment).
Jonathan Rasmusson offers the Drucker Exercise a simple way to get a team to gel at the start of a project. I think I might use this with the next team I coach to help break down those initial barriers.
The Mostly Free Detroit Agile Conference a great little conference in Dearbon Michigan (a bit far from Ottawa). Which leads to Matt Heusser: Conferences on the cheap – Matt offers ways of doing conferences for much less than the expected rate.
I keep on hearing about Continuous Deployment and while I think that most teams are not ready for this by a long shot – its one hell of a goal. Eric Reis introduced me to a great case study from Ash Mauyra. The downside of being an outside coach is I rarely get to see clients make it to this level. Usually they let go of their outside consultants long before they get to this stage. Way to got Ash.