Steve Rubel points to some interesting data points from Le Web:
One of the great untold stories is just how much Facebook and Twitter are growing off-site. Facebook announced they reach 60 million through Facebook Connect. Meanwhile nearly half of Twitter's activity takes place away from - they reported. Both platforms are quietly becoming a social operating systems for the web, not just their own sites.
I almost never end up on Twitter's website; I hit it through my own Twitter client code (posts dropped from this server), from client code I've plugged into BottomFeeder, or from Twitterific. I visit Facebook more often, but I view the news feed through BottomFeeder - I built a plugin using my Facebook interface code earlier this year. While I doubt most people roll their own code, a lot of people are hitting these sites from various clients. Heck, most of my photo publishing to Facebook comes straight out of iPhoto.
It's very much getting to the point where no two people see the same internet...
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