"Smalltalkers are friends separated by a common language". One of the unfortunate side-effects of Smalltalk's popularity in the 90's is the plethora of more-or-less incompatible dialects. The ANSI standard and Camp Smalltalk notwithstanding, it still happens too often that high quality, existing code does not get reused because it's only available in one dialect or version, and the pain of porting often outweighs the benefits.
This talk will describe a number of state-of-the-art techniques being used in Camp Smalltalk and other projects to increase cross-dialect compatibility and assist migration between existing Smalltalk implementations. Demos will include moving code from VisualAge to S#, and using ENVY/Developer with VisualWorks 7 and Squeak.
The talk will be held at the IAM, room 107