Maybe NewsCorp. is dumb enough to give this a shot, but - contra Jason Calacanis - it won't work:
Microsoft wants to pay News Corp and other large publishers to de-list their Web sites from Google's search index, the Financial Times reports. The idea is to force Google to pay for content, thinning its currently fat margins.
As Business Insider notes, content from NewsCorp stories will find their way into Google via secondary links. More importantly, I simply don't think the vast majority of search users will start thinking "Which search engine should I use? I know that I'll only find (insert media source here) in Bing". Instead, they'll just keep using what they use now (mostly Google), and the sites that went with Bing exclusively will just see their traffic fall off a cliff.
This really isn't that complicated. Inertia will keep people on Google, and that will be the end of it.
Technorati Tags:
google, bing, newscorp