I've just finished updating the look and feel of my blog website. James kindly helped me customize it. I've cut out a lot of stuff.. no more categories, no more blog rolls, no more dorky square title area that doesn't size itself to the content, no more fancy show/hide comments. Basically, I just cut lots and lots of stuff out.
I've wanted to do a refresh of my blogs look for a long time. I'm glad that I now have enough know how to poke around James's blog server to figure out what I need to change and where.
My blog is different to James's blog. He writes lots of small posts, many times a day sometimes, at least, many times a week. Where I have 150 odd posts in a year, he may have 50 odd posts in a single month. It's a very different style of blogging. I tend to write in shallow depth about a subject of interest to me - often related to my work or health.
So the design of my new blog is simple - show the latest article up front and provide all the others on the side. This gives browsers easy access to all the content, while focusing them on my latest thoughts (which as of the time of this writing, will be this post).
James's original blog server design was more along the lines of an endless stream of small updated. Much like twitter, only with more characters. I've tried to keep the new design simple and to the point. I hope that you like the new design, leave a comment praising, blasting or ignoring it.