The MPAA really, really doesn't like the fact that the secret ACTA negotiatons got leaked, and the public can see what they are proposing. Does the head of the MPAA, Dan Glickman, fight on the facts? Does he make an intellectual argument? No, he pulls out a strawman and has at it:
"Opponents of ACTA are either indifferent to this situation, or actively hostile toward efforts to improve copyright enforcement worldwide," Glickman wrote.
Right. In Dan's world, a parent could have internet access pulled because a friend of their children came by with a laptop and did some suspicious downloading (as classified by the MPAA). Furthermore, said parents would then be blacklisted from getting net access from anyone. No due process, no need to show proof - it's a three strikes thing, where each strike is as well defined as a DMCA takedown notice (meaning, not very).
That's the world Glickman and his merry band of morons want us to live in. Swell.