I received an email overnight asking about porting the Twitter code I've been working on to other Smalltalk implementations. That's fine with me - I'm perfectly happy to see it ported to as many Smalltalk impementations as possible :)
In the implementation, there are a handful of dependencies on base VW/OS libraries, or libraries currently specific to VW/OS:
- HTTP Access - in class TwitterHttpAPI, the Http calls obviously use the network interface provided in Cincom Smalltalk
- The library uses JsonReader, a library initially ported from Squeak, and then modified
- The library uses a handful of convenience methods in a package called NetworkAppUtilities. Those should be easy to port as well - it's stuff like handling Timestamps from the Unix epoch (instead of the Smalltalk one)
What's missing? An OAuth implementation. I'd be very pleased to see that done. I plan to go back to taking a look at it, but having an OAuth library in Smalltalk would be generally useful.
Technorati Tags:
twitter, social media