The next meeting of the Ottawa Carleton Smalltalk Users Group will be on November 10th, 2009.
Martin Kobetic
The traditional Smalltalk-80 streams have served us well for decades now. They are reasonably simple and reliable (for the most part). However, over time we have also accumulated a lot of practical experience in a wide range of circumstances. We know a lot about where they work well and where not so much. Xtreams is an experiment (at this point) to see if we can distill that experience into something that will be a worthy successor. We are fairly enthusiastic about the current state of Xtreams. The implementation is still fairly small and straightforward while already providing some exciting improvements and addressing a lot of the perceived shortcomings of the traditional streams in general and in their VisualWorks incarnation in particular. This talk will be a brief introduction to the present state of Xtreams, demonstrating some of the design choices and capabilities. I also hope to try some hands-on experiments together with whatever problems people might be interested in and see what kind of solutions we can come up with.
The Code Factory
246 Queen Street, Ottawa
Tuesday, Nov 10th, 2009 at 6:00pm
Please note that there will be a $5 charge per person which goes directly to The Code Factory for the use of the room.