The A-Listers have all been going gaga over Twitter lists, so I wandered over to my Twitter web page (something I rarely do; I track twitter stuff through tools for the most part) and had a look.
To say I am underwhelmed would be to understate my excitement by a lot. Twitter lists let you take people/bots you follow and put them into their own collections. So.... it's folders for Twitter. Umm, yay? All I can do is follow accounts (including ones I don't follow in my regular stream). I suppose that's useful, but way less useful than being able to follow arbitrary search terms or hashtags.
I get that ability using search engines (including Twitter's) and the associated feed in my... news aggregator. Way more productive, and it finds the things I actually need to pay attention to.
I guess some people find Twitter lists interesting and useful, but to me, they seem limited and mostly useless. Wake me when they do something useful.
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twitter, social media