So I see that Mark Cuban is talking up Hulu, and talking down YouTube - on the basis of which service has a better shot of monetizing its content. He's certainly correct about the potential, but the problem is in the actual implementation.
I last looked at hulu about 2 months ago - I was interested in watching an episode of "Buffy", and didn't feel like buying all of that season's DVDs. So off to hulu, which, being run by the networks, ought to have the episode, right?
Well, not so much. In fact, they seem to only have seasons 1 and 2. The episode I wanted was from season 5. Why isn't it there? Heck if I know, but hey - Mark Cuban says Hulu is da bomb. I mean, Buffy has only been off the air since the 2003 season - why would I expect to find that stuff online so soon?
Meanwhile, I'm sure Cuban is baffled, just baffled, as to why people use things like BitTorrent. I'd explain, but I suspect it would involve words he wouldn't understand. Something involving satisfying customer demand...
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hulu, stupidity