Antony Blakey blogged up a storm a few days back, and one of his posts talks about Gemstone's MagLev as a possible game changer. I tend to think that most applications will stay with an RDBMS, so the sweet spot for Smalltalk will lie with good integration of Seaside and an RDBMS - which led me to Todd Blanchard's comment in Antony's post:
If Seaside had active record and activescaffold, I would switch to that in a heartbeat to get the vastly superior development tools. Sadly, the persistence story on the Smalltalk side remains rather spotty.
Well - you might want to take a look at this video Michael did recently, and then - to hear more - you might want to register for Smalltalk Solutions and attend this talk:
WebVelocity is a new Smalltalk Development Environment that is oriented around Seaside for Web Development and Glorp for Object/Relational Mapping. Come and see how WebVelocity re-targets the Smalltalk development experience into the Web Browser and simplifies the challenge of learning a new environment for newcomers. We'll even build an entire application using Active Record and Scaffolding during the presentation with minimal programming. If you're a fan of Ruby on Rails, you must come and see this presentation.
If it's scaffolding, Active Record, and Seaside you're after, then Cincom is who you want to talk to :)
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