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All this has happened before and will happen again

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James Robertson

Posts: 29924
Nickname: jarober61
Registered: Jun, 2003

David Buck, Smalltalker at large
All this has happened before and will happen again Posted: May 25, 2008 11:20 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz by James Robertson.
Original Post: All this has happened before and will happen again
Feed Title: Michael Lucas-Smith
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Feed Description: Smalltalk and my misinterpretations of life
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Battlestar Galactica is, in theory, going to finish soon.. so I'd like to take another stab at predicting its outcome.

The cylons are quite sure of themselves.. until recently, now they're doubting their own programming - and with good reason. They're being used, like machines, to manipulate the twelve colonies - to win a war that was started centuries ago.

It all started, at least in any coherent sense, back on Cobalt. There we know that the thirteen colonies flew off after some cataclysmic event. What isn't clear is why one of the tribes went off on their own while the other twelve banded together relatively close to each other. They all stayed in contact, yet the thirteenth tribe did not.

When the colonials finally bad it to cobalt, they found a temple leading the way to Earth - but that was not the key discovery on that planet. No, instead, it was the piles of human skulls left laying about in forests. What could cause that? ... War. A big war.. a war so bad that no one could survive on that planet and they all had to leave.

What war? Well, this has all happened before and will happen again right? .. it was the cylon war. The humans of Cobalt rejoiced when they created AI, only to have it revolt against them and cause the most horrific moment of their existances. All parties had to leave, human and machine a like. The machines were not welcome - they left - they went to Earth.

Now, the Earthlings weren't stupid, they knew about the other twelve colonies and carefully implanted their own agents in to those societies to ensure that they would never again be dominated by these fleshy beings called humans. They waited, a long time, a very long time.. until one day something incredible happened. The colonies discovered AI again.

It was not long before they were once more at war with the machines, only this time the inhabitants of Earth looked on with a sickened recollection of times past and knew they had but one option - stop the madness before it made its way back to them.

They found their new machine friends from the colonies and took them over. Through out the show there are hints that someone programmed the 12 cylon models - these special beings who were not of machine nature but of flesh mostly. It was a secret - a third race, this new war that nuked the colonies was not between cylon and colonies - it was being Earth the colonies.

The centurians were chipped so that their free will was taken, twelve humanoids were put in charge of all the machines, the sleeper agents in the colonies were activated. Everything came together to wipe out Earths greatest enemy - its past come back to haunt them.

The final five cylons have been to Earth.. actually, no, they are from Earth. They are too old and too integrated in to colonial history to have been anything but sleeper agents. The other seven were made from people from the colonies, the catalysts for the war, the fall guys.

We know that Starbuck is going to lead the colonials to their doom - by taking them to Earth. The only way that colonials can survive is to become allies with the cylons, the ones made of their blood, and find a new world of their own. If they go to Earth they will all be wiped out, cylon and human alike. The centurians are antequated machines who have no place in Earths society - they were easy to manipulate and control. The flesh cylons belong on Earth, but the cloned ones that came from colonies are corrupt and abused.. they can be thrown away too. The final five will be welcome home as heroes, saviors of Earth. As for the colonials, well, they will probably just be killed.

So who, then, is the fifth cylon from Earth? It must be someone who has been there before - Starbuck has had visions since she was a child of the path from the colonies to Earth and probably back again. The hybrids on the cylon basestars are not part of the regular equation. They are not meant to warn anyone about the final five - yet they have, they warned that Starbuck would lead them to their death. She, her mum, her entire family tree probably have been sleeper agents in the colonies since the end of the last great war.

The cylons are mistaken - the final five are not their brothers at all, in fact, they are their masters, they just don't realize it yet because the best agents the Earthlings could send were ignorance ones.

In the end, there is only one player in the entire Battlestar Galactica universe that had the desire, intent and means to wipe out the colonies - it was Earth all along.

Read: All this has happened before and will happen again

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