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Martin Fowler

Posts: 1573
Nickname: mfowler
Registered: Nov, 2002

Martin Fowler is an author and loud mouth on software development
ParserFear Posted: May 20, 2008 12:53 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz by Martin Fowler.
Original Post: ParserFear
Feed Title: Martin Fowler's Bliki
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Feed Description: A cross between a blog and wiki of my partly-formed ideas on software development
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I talk quite a bit with people about DomainSpecificLanguages these days and a common reaction I get to external DSLs is that it's hard to write a parser. Indeed one of the justifications for using XML as the carrier syntax for an external DSL is that "you get the parser for free". This doesn't jive with my experience - I think parsers are much easier to write than most people think, and they aren't really any harder than parsing XML.

I even have evidence. Well it's actually only one case, but I'll quote it anyway as it supports my argument. When I wrote the introductory example for my book I developed multiple external DSLs to populate a simple state machine. One of these was using XML (using it as a gateway drug) another was a custom syntax which I parsed with the help of Antlr. Writing the code to fully parse these formats took about the same amount of time.

Although you get an XML parser for free (I used Elliotte Rusty Harold's excellent XOM framework) the output of an XML parser is effectively a parse tree in the form of an XML DOM. In order to do anything useful with that you have to process it further. My practice with DSLs to is base them around a clear Semantic Model, so the true output of parsing in this case is a populated state machine model. In order to do this I have to write code that walks its way through the XML DOM. This isn't especially difficult, particularly since I can use XPath expressions to pick out the bits of the DOM I'm interested in. Indeed I'm not walking the DOM tree at all - for each thing I'm interested in I have a method that issues an XPath query, iterates through the resulting nodes and populates the state machine model.

So the XML processing is easy, but it isn't non existent - around a hundred lines of code. It took me a couple of hours. I hadn't used XOM in a while, so there was some familiarization required, but it's a very easy library to learn and use.

The Antlr processing was remarkably similar. Antlr has a notation that allows you to put some simple rules in the grammar file to populate an AST. The code to process the AST and populate the semantic model was very similar to the XML code - query for the right nodes in the tree and then process them. Including the grammar file the resulting code is around 250 lines, but took me about the same amount of time to write. I was familiar with most of Antlr before this, having used it a few times, but I hadn't actually used the tree construction stuff before. (If you're interested you can find a description of this example in my book's work in progress.)

Although my explorations of parser generators have got me used to the fact that they are much easier to write than many people think, I was surprised when I realized it was actually no slower than the XML case. In a more carefully controlled example, I would still expect it to take longer because I did the Antlr example second and as any programmer knows, things always go much faster with a second implementation. Even so, the difference is much less than what many people seem to expect - when the word "parser" seems to mean "too complicated".

I can't deny there is certainly a learning curve to get used to parser generators. You have to get used to grammar files and how they interact with code samples. There's different strategies you can use (what I currently refer to as Tree Construction, Embedded Translation and Embedded Interpretation). You also have to think about the syntax of your custom syntax, which involves more decisions than wondering whether to make something an attribute or an element in XML. But that curve isn't really that high. Modern tools make it much easier. Antlr is my current default choice, it comes with a very nice IDE which helps in exploring grammar expressions and seeing how they get parsed into an AST. But once you've got used to how one parser generator works, it's not hard to pick up others.

So why is there an unreasonable fear of writing parsers for DSLs? I think it boils down to two main reasons.

  • You didn't do the compiler class at university and therefore think parsers are scary.
  • You did do the compiler class at university and are therefore convinced that parsers are scary.

The first is easy to understand, people are naturally nervous of things they don't know about. The second reason is the one that's interesting. What this boils down to is how people come across parsing in universities. Parsing is usually only taught in a compiler class, where the context is to parse a full general purpose language. Parsing a general purpose language is much harder than parsing a Domain Specific Language, if nothing else because the grammar will be much bigger and often contain nasty wrinkles which you can avoid with a DSL.

This problem is compounded by encouraging code that tangles up parsing with output processing and code generation. For me the key to keeping things straight is to use a Semantic Model, so that your parser does no more than populate that model. Most of the time I can then do what I need by just executing that semantic model like any other OO framework. Most of the time I don't need to do code generation, and when I do I base it off the semantic model so it's independent of the parser. I think that if you've got code generation statements inside your grammars, things are way too coupled together.

For people to work effectively with external DSLs they have to be taught about it quite differently to how you'd teach parsing a general purpose language. The small size of both the language and the scripts in the language changes many of the concerns that people typically have with parsing. Avoiding code generation unless you really need it can remove a big hunk of the complexity. Using a clear semantic model can separate out the steps into much more tractable chunks.

The problem, of course, is that there isn't much written that follows these guidelines. (Which is one of the triggers for me to be spending so much time on it.) You're hard put to find any documentation out there on parser generator tools. When you do get some really nice documentation (like Terence Parr's Antlr book) it's still usually written with a general purpose language mindset. Don't get me wrong, I find the Antlr book very helpful (it's a big reason why Antlr is my default choice of parser generator) but I believe that there's an assumption there of parsing general purpose languages rather than domain specific languages that makes it harder to approach than it could be.

The nice thing, however, with all this is that you can still mount that learning curve. If you haven't tried working with a parser generator I'd certainly suggest giving it a try. Try writing a simple DSL of your own. Don't worry about code generation when you start, just create a domain model as you normally would and get the DSL to populate it. Start with something really silly (like I did with HelloAntlr) and gradually work it up from there. Poke around some open source projects that use a DSL and see what they do.

What we're trying to do is introduce the tools that are often used in compilers but are much more general than that to an audience that associates the tools only with compilers, because that's how they've always been taught.

--Rebecca Parsons

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