Spotted in CNET
Sun's business model does not work and it hasn't worked for a long time. Moreover, open source, MySQL, StorageTek, and SaaS (software as a service) will not fix it.
CNet follows with a few more details, but not a lot of ideas. Here are a couple that might work:
- Fire Schwartz. The kind of CEO who spends $1B on a $60M, revenue-neutral business is the kind of CEO that Sun can't afford. Who knows what shiny piece of non-profitable open source software will catch his fancy next? Whatever it is, Sun can't afford it
- Start charging money for things that cost money to make. Being free can make you popular, but it can also lead to simple questions, like: "how do we make payroll?"
Will that happen? Nah, the pain isn't sever enough yet. Sun will have a layoff here, a layoff there - eventually, someone will notice that Schwartz brings negative value and hire a cleaner to sort through Sun's mess. In the meantime? Expect lots of wasted motion
Technorati Tags:
Sun, stupidity