This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Keith Ray.
Original Post: Donate to Solar Cookers International
Feed Title: MemoRanda
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Feed Description: Keith Ray's notes to be remembered on agile software development, project management, oo programming, and other topics.
Refugees from Darfur face dangers daily, when they leave their camps to gather wood to cook their food. Donate to Solar Cookers International and make a concrete improvement in their daily lives.
Solar cookers are a win-win technology in sun-rich, fuel-scarce areas: they reduce smoke and lung diseases, pasteurize unsafe drinking water, and spare women and children the burdens and hazards of collecting ever-scarcer firewood for cooking.
You can also order Solar Cookers, or plans to build one for yourself, as a summer-time project for you and your children, or just for fun.