This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by Claudio Perrone.
Original Post: Heading to Crested Butte, Colorado
Feed Title: Agile Sensei's Monologues
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Personal and professional transformations in today's lean and agile world
I feel a little bit strange writing a post after such a long time. Some say that a blog is like a shark: it has to keep moving all the time to stay alive; I’m afraid the shark is long dead.
I often wonder how certain people keep up writing so often and consistently. Does everybody else have so much more time and talent than I do?
Of course not. It would be such a self limiting belief that I just refuse to consider the thought.
Some people are fast writers; clearly I don’t belong to that category, which is pretty peculiar considering that my very first job was as technical writer! (That was a long time ago, before I managed to decisively follow my heart and start earning a living in software development).
Sure, expressing my thoughts using a foreign language is slightly less immediate, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I really find the act of writing only moderately pleasing and tremendously painful.
In fact, I find so hard to choose the right words, that in the process my entire body often saturates with anger and frustration.
I get grumpy, my beard grows twice as fast and only my cats dare to stay close to me :-).
My wife once said that she would divorce immediately if I ever dare writing a book. She was joking, but it should give some idea of what I’m capable of becoming.
So why am I writing today? Well, there are things I just have to report.
I am now flying to Colorado since I am one of the few lucky delegates of this year’s software architecture workshop in Crested Butte, a beautiful place right at the heart of the famous Rocky Mountains.
I will certainly meet some old and new friends in the next couple of days and I’m sure you will soon wish you were there as well.
Stay tuned!