This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz
by James Robertson.
Original Post: Bf - dev stream oddness
Feed Title: Cincom Smalltalk Blog - Smalltalk with Rants
Feed URL:
Feed Description: James Robertson comments on Cincom Smalltalk, the Smalltalk development community, and IT trends and issues in general.
If you have been using the development stream of BottomFeeder, and have tried using the new global filter capability, you may have seen some odd behavior. If you set the filter such that only new items showed up, and then deleted that filter - none of your old items came back. I made a mistake in the filter redefinition code such that I wasn't accurately resetting the filters. I had at least one report of "disappearing feeds", and then I saw the problem myself. The latest dev feed fixes the problem - if you have disappearing feed items, define a new global filter, save it, then delete the global filter, and save that - after grabbing the update.