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Funny but good advice

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James Robertson

Posts: 29924
Nickname: jarober61
Registered: Jun, 2003

David Buck, Smalltalker at large
Funny but good advice Posted: Sep 8, 2006 5:42 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Agile Buzz by James Robertson.
Original Post: Funny but good advice
Feed Title: Michael Lucas-Smith
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Feed Description: Smalltalk and my misinterpretations of life
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I'm always tickled pink when someone famous comments on my blog. Especially Patrick Logan, a personal hero of mine. Thanks Patrick. He left this gem of advice for me too:-

"If you find it helps to have a drink in your hand at a party or a bar then you can hold on to one if you have the discipline not to drink it, or to do so very slowly. Better yet is diet ginger ale looks kind of like a high ball. Just remember to act stupid over time or people might get on to you."

I've noticed a marked improvement in my energy levels these last few days. My eyesight -is- getting better, but slowly. I can see properly when things are 10-15cm's away from my face now, which is a vast improvement. When I get fatigued my eyesight goes again and there's usually a headache to accompany it.

I'm doing semi-okay at keeping my BGL levels in a reasonably range of around 4-12 even given the fact that I'm taking a difficult-to-use insulin (30/70 mix) which has an insulin release profile that looks nothing like what the body would naturally do.

I had another Hypo on Wednesday night. I was hungry and I'd already eaten dinner, so on a hunch I checked my BGL and found it was 3.4. Oops, so I went and had a serving of carbs. No symptoms.. not for another 10-15 minutes, then wham. I had some quicker acting sugars - Coke. Then a bunch more carbs and I was alright. I even had a good BGL next morning too.

Spirits are going up and down like a yoyo, mostly on the up side but occasionally on the down. Life goes on, there's not much you can do about it but learn to live with it and find the subtle joys - such as enjoying the idea that you have more control over how the glocuse is used by your body or that you get to use cool little toys like BGL monitors (though I can't get a non-invasive BGL monitor soon enough. My poor fingertips!).

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