Mathieu van Echtelt of CosmoCows - here's the intro to his session. They've created a development environment on top of VisualWorks for building Business Administration systems.
Their systems are mixed, involving Smalltalk, and C, Javascript, HTML. They use Seaside to try and keep those under control - even with the Squeak VM, they use the Slang Smalltalk subset to do modifications. Their goal has been to build along the lines of the original Smalltalk design principles:
- Personal Mastery: "If a system is to serve the creative spirit, it must be entirely comprehensible to a single individual" (Dan Ingalls)
- Storage Management: "To be truly object oriented, a computer system must provide automatic storage management" (Dan Ingalls)
- Reactive Principle: "Every component accessible to the user should be able to present itself in a meaningful way for observation and manipulation" (Dan Ingalls)
The rest of the session was a live demo
Technorati Tags:
smalltalk, esug