It's very important to keep ones spirits up. Moral in Michael-ville is still very low, but the support that I've gotten from everyone is fantastic. Big thanks to my family, my friends, my colleagues and the programming community at large. Also big thanks to Lukas for his emails to me - it's been a big help.
Right now, I can tell you that my headache seems to be going away finally, I've rediscovered this thing called 'sweat', my vision is still very blurry but I haven't had any leg cramps since the weekend (but my feet feel like I've sprained them, which I probably have!). I'm less afraid of my own blood now I guess, but needles still freak me out. I had some blood tests this morning and for the first time for as long as I can remember, I didn't feel faint or dizzy after them.
Yesterday my BGL got down to 6.0 before lunch. That's a pretty good sign, but before dinner and after dinner is still quite high. I'm off to the hospital again shortly for more Diabetes education. There is a lot I don't know about insulin and my BGL and how it's supposed to react/work/be, etc. I spent a lot of last night fretting over my BGL instead of sleeping, worrying if I was going to go Hypo or not.
I've had lots of cold chills, tingles all over my body in the feet, hands, finger tips, heart palpitations etc. I can only assume that's because my body is trying to rebalance itself now that it has a real energy source that isn't fat again.
I haven't really figured out the whole carbohydrates thing yet. I think I'm meant to have 3 servings of carbo's which is 15 grams per serving in a meal and no more. I'm probably still having more than that. This morning I had to fast for the blood tests so I decided I'd inject myself with insulin not-at-home!! .. I succeeded. But when I went to get breakfast, the little place I chose had a stupid woman who told me off for questioning them about what was -in- the breakfast. Eg: how many pieces of toast, what kind of bread, etc. I'm not quite up to defending myself yet so I told her I wasn't going to eat there and left to find another place to eat instead.
I shouldn't worry so much about Hypoglycaemia yet I suppose. Though if my BGL's keep going low at lunch time may be I'll have too.
Any way, must keep my spirits high! (interestingly enough, the address of my website that I choose some years ago when I started feeling fatigued.. possibly around the same time I got Diabetes Type 1?)
Cheers for now. Thanks everybody for your support!